Sunday, January 2, 2011

product purchase: Tres Jolie Salon

Business:  Tres Jolie Salon
Location:  Uptown
Address:  2214 Hennepin Ave. S

Winks:  4 out of 5 winks

As a female with long coarse hair, I am always looking for the next best product to nurture my sometimes hard to manage locks.  I walked into Tres Jolie Salon with an extremely important mission, purchase new shampoo and conditioner specific for my hairs needs.

Mark Debolt, color specialist at Tres Jolie salon, was immediately available to answer any questions I had on any of the products in the store.  The first thing he asked me was if he could touch my hair.  Though I originally found this unusual, it made sense that it would be a necessary request in order to sell me the right products.

After briefly playing with my hair, he immediately walked me over to the Bumble and Bumble section and recommended a couple products that would work for me depending on my desires for my hair.  It wasn’t the most expensive brand in the store and there were plenty of other more expensive options, but he was excellent at explaining why I didn’t necessarily need a more expensive product and that what I did need could come from less expensive brands.  I truly appreciated that.

The kicker came when I asked a random question on dry shampoo’s.  The salon carried some pricey ones in store but he immediately said the best dry shampoo was a brand called “Pssst!” which I could get for less than $6 at the local Walgreens.  You know you are getting an honest opinion when someone doesn’t try to sell you a product they even carry in store!

Pssssst! Dry Shampoo

 I was so impressed with the friendly and honest help I received at Tres Jolie Salon.  I bought lots of shampoo and conditioner and will be recommending it to friends looking for a change in salons.  Every girl could use a stylist they can trust, and I believe Tres Jolie Salon can be the haven your hair was looking for.

{perfectly coiffed}

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